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Friday, July 25, 2014

Reading Interactive Notebook

I  wanted to blog about my revised and oh so awesome Reading Interactive Notebook! I have learned so much about creating quality products over the course of this summer. I have been going through my products and updating them with new clip art, font, and activities. Yay!! So here are a few pics of my Reading Interactive Notebook that you can pick up here.

Keep in mind that I updated the clipart, font, and added lots more activities! This is the older version of this set.

These pictures are not of my updated file, but I wanted you to get an idea of what you'd be getting. The updated version is pretty neat, and I think you'd really enjoy it!

This bad boy is loaded with 93 pages of goodies with units including:
~Procedural Mini- Lessons During Reading Time
~A Place to Read
~Title, Author, Illustrator
~Text to Self Connections
~ Describe/ Visualize
~ Asking Questions
~Rereading Skills
~ Retell
~ Character Traits
~Multicultural Character Brochure
~Fiction/ Non-Fiction
~Plot, Story Problem, and Resolution
~Comparing Story Variants
~Fact and Fantasy
~ Fairy Tales
~Context Clues
~Main Idea and Supporting Details
~Nursery Rhymes
~Non-Fiction Conventions
~Purpose of Media
~Sensory Language

Once again, thanks for taking the time out of your day to check me out.
Well, that's all she wrote!! :) Pick yours up here at my TPT Store or click the pic below.

Happy Note booking!!!

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